Socket head cap screws feature a hexagonal recess for tightening and loosening using an Allen wrench or hex key. This design eliminates the need for side clearance and allows screws to be placed close to other screws and assembly components. They come in a variety of head configurations that can fit into tight spaces, reduce the chance of snagging, or provide a flush fit with the fastening surface.

Socket Head Cap Screws are threaded fasteners with a cylindrical head and a recessed hexagon drive. Also known as Allen head screws, socket screws are turned by using a hexagon-shaped key and can be tightened to much higher torque specifications than a crossed recessed or slotted drive fastener.
Benefits of Socket Head Cap Screws
Fewer socket head cap screws are needed to achieve the same clamping force in a joint compared to ordinary fasteners. The lower number of screws leads to a weight reduction in the finished product. Additionally, as fewer screws are necessary for a given job, fewer holes are required to be drilled and tapped.
Types of Socket Head Cap Screws
Our extensive inventory of socket head cap screws means we have the right materials, size, and specifications for your project’s unique requirements:
Coarse Standard Thread Screws—Materials available include Property Class 8.8, 10.9, and 12.9, A4 Stainless Steel, A2 Stainless Steel, and Aluminum.
Fine Standard Thread Screws and Full Thread Screws— Materials available include Property Class 12.9 with other material by special request. A wide range of coarse and fine pitch socket head cap screws are available from stock. Non-stock sizes are available upon request.