High Temperature nut and bolt fasteners can be used across a wide range of applications


High Temperature nut and bolt fasteners can be used across a wide range of applications. The automotive industry for example, and the oil and gas industries, need equipment that can work hard even in extreme temperatures. Consistency and durability is key, especially in things like vehicle component manufacture. Often, fasteners are exposed to high temperatures, incredibly high temperatures at times, and these extremes demand fixings that can continue to perform within challenging environments. 

Years of new discoveries, tests and challenges have created advances within the manufacturing of fasteners, which now provides the industry with a wide range of materials, usually alloys, for use within these environments. You may be wondering how heat could have an effect on fasteners as metals won’t melt until they reach temperatures that are exceptionally high. A more common problem is that heat may cause oxidation, which leads to corrosion of the fastener. 

Fasteners can also expand as they heat up, so expanding the fixing hole. When the fastener cools, it may become loos in the hole.

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